Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to reload page based on number of seconds

How to reload page based on number of seconds

In case in any page if you want to reload the page for every 5 sec. then use this simple code to reload the page in different way.

The reloading page can be done in many ways like html, javascript and PHP


As basic in html page itself you can change meta data to reload the page in some seconds

The following example shows


//<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5">
Waits for 5 seconds to reload the page 


//<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;url=index.html"
Waits for 10 seconds to reload the page and redirect the page to index.html 
From php page reload of page can be done in this way
     $page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
   $sec = "5";
   header("Refresh: $sec; url=$page");
Here the $page can give you the current page information and the $sec gives you the seconds for how long the page should waits
The same reloading can be done in javascript with the following code
Here the javascript will be define with the function
 function Re_load() {
 window.location ='http://index.php'

And the calling this javascript function onload of the body inside

//onload="timer=setTimeout(‘Re_load ()',3000)"

So after 3000 milisec the page will reload automatically

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